Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Flea feels the wrath of the antivaccination crowd

Fellow finalist for a 2006 Weblog Award for Best Medical/Health Issues Blog Flea sure stepped into it the other day. A reader e-mailed him a discussion found on the dreaded discussion boards, you know, the same boards that horrified me with the sheer level of antivaccination wingnuttery and HIV/AIDS denialism routinely supported by the […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

An appropriately named book

Via The Millenium Project, I’ve learned that some of the “Dummy” books may be living up to their names a bit too literally: I almost didn’t believe it when I was told that Understanding Autism for Dummies contains advice about how chelation might be a useful treatment for autism, so I used Amazon’s “search inside […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Woo World Self Treater

Via The Second Sight, I find an example of a tool that, I suspect, many alties will find highly useful: The Woo World Self Treater. It’ll allow you to diagnose yourself free from the boot of big pharma and the oppressive evidence-based medicine that close-minded “conventional” doctors like me advocate. My results are below the […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Homeopaths: Double-blind studies of homeopathic medicines are not ideally possible

Remind me to mark April 10 down on my calendar. I never realized it was such an important day, and, in any case, I wouldn’t want to miss it. Nor should the rest of the skeptical blogosphere. Why? It’s World Homeopathy Day, “celebrated” (or, if you’re a fan of evidence-based medicine, as I am, lamented) […]

Autism Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Has it really been a whole year?

One year ago today, I discovered a rather amusing bit of chicanery on the part of an old “friend,” namely J. B. Handley, the proprietor of and driving force behind Generation Rescue, the group that claims that all autism (not just some, not just some, but all) is a “misdiagnosis” for mercury poisoning. Given that […]