Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Bill Maher gets the Richard Dawkins Award? That’s like Jenny McCarthy getting an award for public health

Although I often don’t agree with him and have cooled on him lately, I still rather like–even admire–Richard Dawkins. While it’s true I’ve taken him to task for having a tin ear for bioethics, lamented his walking blindly right into charges of anti-Semitism (no, I don’t think he’s an anti-Semite), and half-defended/half-criticized him for seeming […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Religion

Thermonuclear stupid about vaccines from someone other than Jenny McCarthy

This may be the burningest stupid I’ve ever seen about vaccines. Maybe. It’s so hard to tell given how much idiocy I’ve seen about vaccines. I know, it’s really, really hard to believe me when I say that what follows deserves to leap right up to the top ranks of brain-melting moronicity. After all, over […]

Entertainment/culture Humor Religion Television

More pareidolia: At least this Virgin Mary sighting isn’t as bad…

…as the last Virgin Mary sighting in a bird turd smear on a pickup truck. At least this time around, we’re back to more conventional “Virgin Mary in a tree”-type sightings: (Click on image for video.) Of course, this time around, I have to wonder if the guy who cut the tree down is having […]

Humor Pareidolia Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Looking for the Virgin Mary in all the wrong places

Everyone knows that I’m a bit of a connoisseur of pareidolia. Pareidolia, for those not familiar with the term, is a phenomenon where humans see patterns in various things, you know, like seeing Elvis in a flame or the Virgin Mary on a stain under a freeway overpass in Chicago or in a window blotch […]

Evolution Humor Intelligent design/creationism Religion Science Skepticism/critical thinking

I wish I’d had this T shirt at TAM7

Well, I’m back. After my trip to TAM7, I’m back in the real world, jet-lagged and tired. So it may take me a while–hopefully only a little while–to get back to my usual prolific output, and there will be something later today. In the meantime, just let me say I really, really wish I had […]