
More Tom Cruise strangeness: Placenta, anyone?

Tom Cruise has apparently told GQ magazine that he plans on eating Katie Holmes’ placenta after the birth of their child: Hollywood actor and Scientologist Tom Cruise is planning to eat Katie Holmes’ placenta. It is the latest in a series of strange revelations by the 43-year-old ‘Mission: Impossible’ star about the child he is […]


War on Christians?

The fundamentalist Christian right often laments that there is a “war on Christians” by secular society in the U.S. Indeed, as Easter approaches, such complaints inevitably increase. Consider, however, these clearly un-Constitutional clauses in various state constitutions that make atheists ineligible for public office (or at least not accorded the same rights to run for […]

Medicine Religion

If Sharia ever comes to Canada, Canadian doctors had better invest in a herd of camels

Who needs malpractice insurance, when you could have Sharia law? Check out this question to an Imam by a Canadian doctor regarding his culpability if a patient of his dies, and the Imam’s answer: Here’s the question (typos not corrected): Im a doctor and i want to ask about if i make a mistake that […]

Humor Religion

A Jewish joke for the holidays

I’m not Jewish, but nonetheless found this one pretty funny (via one of the mailing lists to which I subscribe): An elderly man in Miami calls his son in New York and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing. Forty-five years of […]

Autism Medicine Quackery Religion

More Scientology madness

With all the nuttiness coming out of Tom Cruise in the name of Scientology, it’s often forgotten that there are a lot of other Scientologists out there in Hollywood. One of the other most prominent ones is John Travolta. Compared to Tom Cruise, John Travolta seems, superficially at least, the height of reason. Certainly he’s […]