…and, no, I don’t mean Orac, his last few posts notwithstanding. No, don’t worry, this post is most definitely not about Bill Maher. Rather, it’s how, while doing searches for that craziness, I found even more disturbing craziness. Even though I was disappointed in him on this one issue and even though I often don’t […]
Category: Science

I hadn’t planned on writing much, if anything more, about the whole Bill Maher debacle, but PZ has shown up in my comments and graciously tried to explain what’s going on at the AAI convention regarding the truly awful choice of Bill Maher for the Richard Dawkins Award: Look, I don’t know what else I […]
A glorious dawn?
I realize that every blogger and his or her grandmother has been posting this lately, but I only just got around to watching it last night. It’s surprisingly pleasant and tuneful: Really cool.
It’s baaaacck…
Hurt, but not defeated, the humongous giant clam…. Wait. Wrong story. Actually Science-Based Medicine is back. Finally. Go. Read. Enjoy. Particularly a bit about crank conferences.
Given how many of you read this blog and Science-Based Medicine, I thought I should make an announcement. Sometime this morning or early this afternoon, the Science-Based Medicine blog went down, returning only a cryptic message saying that the site has been “suspended.” This is the second time it’s gone completely down, the first being […]