Medicine Politics Religion Science

Fundamentalist religion, misinformation, and the controversy over embryonic stem cell research in Michigan

Two years ago, there was a brouhaha in Missouri over a ballot proposal to allow state funding for embryonic stem cell research using discarded embryos from fertility clinics. The issue made national news, including some rather despicable rhetoric from Rush Limbaugh about Michael J. Fox, who made ads in support of the Missouri initiative, as […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Dr. Jay Gordon: Pediatrician Warrior

Note: The following is a collaborative post between James (a.k.a. Dad of Cameron of Autism Street) and Orac. Feel free to tell which parts were written by whom.:-) Jenny McCarthy’s latest book, Mother Warriors: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds, contains a foreword penned by “pediatrician to the stars’ children”, Dr. Jay […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Saturday morning mailbagl: How could natural selection “do it” without some intelligence?

Orac gets e-mail. Most of it’s just brief notes with a link that someone thinks I should check out (and possibly blog about). Even though I occasionally make sarcastic remarks about being deluged with one story or other from time to time, I actually do appreciate those. Many have been the times when I didn’t […]

Entertainment/culture News of the Weird Science

Animal rights activists: Impossible to parody

I’ve written about their antics, both silly and vile, many times before. Animal rights activists in general and PETA in particular. In doing so, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are so far off their rockers that they are simply impossible to parody. Just yesterday, to reinforce that point, PETA wrote an open letter […]

Biology Religion Science

Yep, that about sums it up

This one’s been floating around the intertubes, at least those parts of the intertubes I frequent, for several days now at least. But it’s so good that I just can’t resist posting it myself. I had no idea John Cleese had a video podcast…