Announcements Science Skepticism/critical thinking

A South African Skeptics’ Circle?

As the guy who sort of fell into being the keeper of the original Skeptics’ Circle after its creator decided to give up blogging three years ago, I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t mention that I’ve been made aware of an initiative to set up a local version of the Circle based […]

Evolution Personal Science

Images from New York, part 3: A fellow ScienceBlogger corrupting an innocent creature

Look what Bora‘s doing with poor Professor Steve Steve: And what’s poor Charles Darwin got to do with it? No wonder Jason‘s looking on in bemusement–or perhaps puzzlement.

Politics Science

Al Gore = Jesus?

Shot with my iPhone camera Friday at our campus bookstore: Although I’m sure this was meant ironically (although one can never be sure), somehow I don’t think that linking Al Gore with Jesus is a particularly good idea. Climate change “skeptics” already focus on Al Gore as though discrediting him somehow discredits behind science of […]

Biology Medicine Science

Animal rights terrorists firebomb a researcher’s house

It’s happened again, only this time it’s escalated. Sadly, this escalation was predictable. Remember back in February, when I discussed how animal rights terrorists had been harassing a researcher at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC)? At the time, protesters attempted a home invasion of a researcher, leading to a police response where a […]

Announcements Blogging Science

The ScienceBlogs Meetup is set

I mentioned last week that I was going to be in New York the weekend of August 9, the better to commune with my fellow Borg at the Cube (no, not that cube, although I may have to make a stop there too) in Manhattan known as Seed Media Group. As part of the festivities, […]