Cancer Medicine Science

Cancer disparities: Money matters

Cancer is an incredibly complicated disease. It’s not just differences in genetics and biology that determine outcomes, either. Cancer disparities is the study of factors that result in differences in outcome. Not surprisingly, money matters.

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Integrative medicine Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Patient satisfaction ≠ quality, round ∞

From the viewpoint of hospital administration, patient satisfaction is increasingly the be-all and end-all of how doctors are evaluated, and it is assumed that patient satisfaction is highly correlated with quality of care. Unfortunately, patient satisfaction ≠ quality. A new study shows this very phenomenon in an outpatient setting.

Bad science Complementary and alternative medicine History Integrative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Science

European Atherosclerosis Society: Publishing quackademic pseudoscience about traditional Chinese medicine in its official journal

The latest issue of the official journal of the European Atherosclerosis Society features a credulous article on traditional Chinese medicine. TCM is presented as a system of medicine whose use should “spread to Western societies.” Sadly, the editors failed here, as the article consists of revisionist history, pseudoscience, and false equivalence.

Antivaccine nonsense Clinical trials Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

One more time: HPV vaccination is not associated with primary ovarian insufficiency

Antivaxers claim that HPV vaccination causes primary ovarian insufficiency, also known as premature ovarian failure. A large epidemiological study has just shown them to be wrong. As usual.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Popular culture Science

Maternal Tdap vaccination during pregnancy is not associated with autism in the child

In this edition of antivaccine Whac-A-Mole, Orac discusses a large study that fails to find a link between maternal Tdap vaccination and autism in the baby. No big surprise there. So, mothers, get your Tdap to protect your baby.