Biology Entertainment/culture Intelligent design/creationism Movies Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Expelled Exposed: A resource to counter Ben Stein’s vile and despicable crapfest

As you may know, Ben Stein’s execrable crapfest of a movie, Expelled!: No Intelligence Allowed, slimes its way into theatres on Friday. From my perspective, the biggest, most vile lie pushed by Ben Stein and produce Mark Mathis is that it’s a direct line from their hated “Darwinism” to the Holocaust, as I’ve pointed out […]

Clinical trials Medicine Science

A medical school only to train physician-scientists?

This story, first brought to my attention by Drugmonkey, is something that I’ve been meaning to blog about since I first saw it. The reason, of course, should be obvious, given that my career is an example of the end product that the medical school described is going to be designed to produce: that of […]

Biology Politics Science

More antiscience from John McCain: Bear DNA

So there I was last night, in the Twilight Zone between wakefulness and sleep, Late Night With David Letterman on the television, blaring in the background. I was vaguely aware that John McCain was Letterman’s guest for the evening and that they were chatting back and forth, Letterman asking the usual rather inane questions that […]

Announcements Cancer Medicine Science

Cancer Research Blog Carnival

I have to admit that this one fell off the radar, even for me. I hate to admit it, but it’s true. I’m talking about the Cancer Research Blog Carnival, which is being hosted by the Skeptical Alchemist this Friday. So, those of you inclined to write about cancer and cancer research, help a blogger […]

Biology Evolution Humor Religion Science

Richard Dawkins and the Age of the Machine

Hilarious, particularly “big-pimpin’” Daddy Dennett: I can’t make up my mind if it’s meant to skewer Dawkins or whether it’s meant ironically as a way of making fun of ID creationists and how they view Dawkins…