Humor Medicine Science

What kind of PI am I?

For those not in academic biomedical research, “PI” stands for “principal investigator”; i.e., the person who wrote the grant that funds the laboratory effort and (usually) the leader of the laboratory. Unlike Revere, I’ve only been a PI for around 8 years and an NIH-funded PI for only around two and a half years, I […]

Cancer Medicine Science

Carnival barking

I know, I’ve been a bad blogger about this lately, but better late than never. A couple of blog carnivals for you: surgeXperiences #106 Cancer Research Blog Carnival #2 Grand Rounds, vol. 4, no. 4

Blogging Medicine Science

How to cite a blog in an academic paper

Yes indeed, if you ever want to cite any of the pearls of brilliance laid down on a regular basis here, you can. Heck, you can even cite comments on blogs! So now you know. Here’s a sample citation.

Biology Humor News of the Weird Science

Friday night freak out: That bird can really get down!

Although his taste in music is questionable at best, Snowball the Cockatoo definitely knows how to get down and get funky. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything like this before. Now maybe if we introduced Snowball to some old Parliament-Funkadelic. Tear the roof off the sucker, Snowball, and give up the funk!

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Science Science fiction/fantasy

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Can somebody get me some frickin’ laser beams with my Reiki?

Regular readers of this blog are probably aware of my general opinion about Reiki and other “energy healing” modalities. In short, they’re woo, pure and simple. Consequently, one might reasonably ask why I’ve never featured the woo that is Reiki in Your Friday Dose of Woo. There’s a simple reason for that. Basic Reiki is […]