Humor Medicine Science

The IgNobels winners have been announced

Ah, yes, it’s that time of year again. The winners of the 2007 IgNobel Prize have been announced. There have been several “worthy” winners, for example: Mayu Yamamoto from Japan won the Ig Nobel prize in chemistry for her development of a novel way to extract vanillin, the main component in vanilla bean extract, from […]

Biology News of the Weird Science

Cephalopod Awareness Day?

I know I’ve said before that I don’t really “get” the whole cephalopod thing that P. Z. has, but I wonder if he’s heard of this little thing: Monday, October 8 is Unofficial International Cephalopod Awareness Day. Certainly, I hadn’t.

Humor Medicine News of the Weird Science

How can I get a research project like this one going? (Or Saturday strange and fun science)

Science and medicine are beautiful things. The range of knowledge and research that can be encompassed under their rubric is truly astounding. Indeed, some scientists have all the luck. Some scientists seem to have all the luck. Some scientists seem able to latch onto the best projects: London, England (CNS) – There is one scientist […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Oxygen + electricity + water = woo

In looking back at all the various bizarre incarnations of woo that I’ve covered during the last year or so since I started doing Your Friday Dose of Woo, I was wondering if there was a form of woo that I had not covered yet. Woo seems to come in several forms, such as energy […]

Announcements Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The 70th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: A conspiracy unmasked

Damn that Factitian! Now he’s gone too far! In hosting the 70th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle, he’s revealed some of the deepest darkest secrets of the Skeptical Atheistic Darwinist Scientific Conspiracy to Conquer All (SADSCCA), also known as The Conspiracy Factory in some circles. And you’ll never believe who the leader of the conspiracy […]