Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Oxygen + electricity + water = woo

In looking back at all the various bizarre incarnations of woo that I’ve covered during the last year or so since I started doing Your Friday Dose of Woo, I was wondering if there was a form of woo that I had not covered yet. Woo seems to come in several forms, such as energy […]

Announcements Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The 70th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: A conspiracy unmasked

Damn that Factitian! Now he’s gone too far! In hosting the 70th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle, he’s revealed some of the deepest darkest secrets of the Skeptical Atheistic Darwinist Scientific Conspiracy to Conquer All (SADSCCA), also known as The Conspiracy Factory in some circles. And you’ll never believe who the leader of the conspiracy […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

A potential consequence of global warming in a world where homeopathy is true

I hadn’t thought of this possible consequence of global warming before if homeopathy were actually true, but it’s frightening to contemplate. Fortunately, I think that even in this case the level of dilution wouldn’t be enough.

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The cranks pile on John Ioannidis’ work on the reliability of science

Pity poor John Ioannidis. The man does provocative work about the reliability of scientific studies as published in the peer-reviewed literature, and his reward for trying to point out shortcomings in how we as scientists and clinical researchers do studies and evaluate evidence is to be turned into an icon for cranks and advocates of […]

Blogging Science

Vote for your favorite science blog

Thanks to fellow ScienceBlogger Abel Pharmboy, it would appear that I was mentioned in an article in The Scientist about science blogs in general (not ScienceBlogs in particular). I’m gratified at how many mentions of my humble blog I see in the comments, and far be it from me to toot my own horn… Oh, […]