Announcements Cancer Medicine Science

Cancer research blog carnival

While I’m flogging blog carnivals, here’s another one that’s right up my alley that seemingly came into existence without my having been aware of it: the Cancer Research Blog Carnival. The first edition of the carnival at Bayblab has a lot of good stuff. The next edition will be at on October 5. I […]

Medicine News of the Weird Science

The 20 most bizarre science experiments of all time

There’s a long and strange history of truly bizarre experiments done in the name of science. Alex Boese has gathered twenty of the strangest examples here. There are the usual suspects, such as the Stanford prison experiment and the Milgram obedience experiment, but there were others that I hadn’t heard of. To me, the award […]

Announcements Complementary and alternative medicine Intelligent design/creationism Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The 69th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: The Skeptics’ Circle Saloon

Howdy, thar, pardners! The Skeptics’ Circle Saloon is open for business, and, after bein’ away for more than two ears, Brent’s done gone and set up a hum-dinger of a meeting: We rode up to the front of the Skeptic’s Circle Saloon and dismounted. Where once there were only two hitching posts, seven stood in […]

Medicine Science Surgery

The precarious position of physician-scientists in academic medicine today

Jake over at Pure Pedantry pointed the way to an article in Science that I hadn’t seen yet because of my absence. Just like yesterday’s topic, this one too is right up my alley. Specifically, it’s about something near and dear to my heart, namely the trials and tribulations of being a physician-scientist. The article […]

Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Autism Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

A photon has moved

Way back when I first started my blog, one of my favorite blogs was A Photon in the Darkness, in which Prometheus regularly demolished quackery, particularly autism-related quackery. Sadly, Prometheus’ blogging has become more and more sporadic over the last year or so, with gaps sometimes longer than a month between posts. I was worried […]