Cancer Evolution Medicine Science

I thought only Dr. Egnor wrote tripe like this about evolution and medicine

I really shouldn’t do it. I really shouldn’t go perusing the blog of the house organ of the Discovery Institute’s propaganda arm, Evolution News & Views, as I did yesterday. I’m not as young as I used to be, have a family history of cardiovascular disease, and am not in the greatest of shape. Reading […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery Science

Paul Offit is not a “denialist”

I’m afraid I must reluctantly take fellow SB’er Mark Hoofnagle to task here, because he appears to have allowed himself to get a bit carried away when it comes to throwing around the label of “denialist.” In an otherwise excellent takedown of some really bad propaganda in the Wall Street Journal editorial page, he did […]

Announcements Blogging History Medicine Religion Science

One to add to the blogroll…

While perusing my comments yesterday, I became aware of what looks like a promising new blog, Occam’s Trowel by Scott Prinster. Check out his self-description: Scott Prinster is continuing his graduate studies in the History of Science department at the University of Wisconsin. His current interest is in the interaction of religion and science in […]

Blogging Humor News of the Weird Politics Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The comic and the box of blinking colored lights

The last couple of days have been a bit surreal, haven’t they? After all, how often does this box of blinking lights get into a blog altercation with a Libertarian comic over global warming? Actually, it was a commentary on bad reasoning, but global warming happened to be the topic. In the aftermath of my […]

Music Science

It’s never too late to finish what you started in science

Case in point: Soon to be Dr. Brian May of Queen. After 33 years, he’s now going be an astrophysicist. Rock on, Brian!