Blogging Humor News of the Weird Politics Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The comic and the box of blinking colored lights

The last couple of days have been a bit surreal, haven’t they? After all, how often does this box of blinking lights get into a blog altercation with a Libertarian comic over global warming? Actually, it was a commentary on bad reasoning, but global warming happened to be the topic. In the aftermath of my […]

Music Science

It’s never too late to finish what you started in science

Case in point: Soon to be Dr. Brian May of Queen. After 33 years, he’s now going be an astrophysicist. Rock on, Brian!

Antivaccine nonsense Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

“Unprofessional”? Moi? Dr. Egnor attacks over marketing Darwinism

I’m devastated. Truly and totally devastated emotionally and intellectually. Indeed, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to recover, how I’ll ever be able to live down the shame and go on with my career. What could bring me to this point, you ask? I’ll tell you. Everybody’s favorite creationist neurosurgeon and dualist Dr.Michael […]

Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Yet another example of credulity begetting credulity

Thanks to a commenter going by the ‘nym of djm, I found in a comment yet another hilarious example of how credulity towards pseudoscience of one form often goes hand-in-hand with other forms of pseudoscience. It looks as though the “intelligent design” creationists are down with Steorn’s claimed free energy machine as “evidence” against materialism:

Friday Woo Religion Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: The miracle of clean

It was a rough day yesterday. I spent a long time in the O.R. It was one of those days that I couldn’t figure out what happened. The number of operations that I had to do should have allowed me to finish operating by around 2 PM, leaving me time to do other things that […]