Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Religion Science Skepticism/critical thinking

“Darwinism”: A “marketing problem”?

Longtime readers of this blog may recall Pat Sullivan, Jr. He first popped up as a commenter here two years ago, when I first dove into applying skepticism and critical thinking to the pseudoscientific contention that vaccines in general or the thimerosal preservatives in vaccines cause autism. He’s a true believer in the mercury militia […]

News of the Weird Science

The worst jobs in science?

Ever think you have the worst job? Take a gander at these worst jobs in science. A couple of examples: Job #10: Whale feces researcher. Job #5: Coursework carcass preparer. Maybe it’s just me, but several of these jobs don’t sound that bad. Except the whale feces researcher.

Entertainment/culture Evolution Humor Intelligent design/creationism Science Science fiction/fantasy Skepticism/critical thinking Television

LOL Doctor?

I must confess that I never really grokked the whole “LOL Cat” thing. I must admit to being a bit puzzled by the phenomenon when it metastasized to ScienceBlogs and some of my fellow SBers applied it to creationists, spurred on by Mark H at (althogh I must admit that I nonetheless found the […]

Entertainment/culture Science Television

R.I.P., Mr. Wizard

Via Boing-Boing, I learn that Don Herbert, a.k.a. “Mr. Wizard,” has died. He lived to a ripe old age of 89. Perhaps the best tribute to him is this: “Over the years, Don has been personally responsible for more people going into the sciences than any other single person in this country,” George Tressel, a […]

Antivaccine nonsense Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Paranormal Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

More antiscience from an old “friend”

Yesterday, I discussed how pseudoscience–nay, antiscience–may well triumph over science in the Autism Omnibus trial presently going on. One reason that this might happen is because of the primacy of feelings over evidence among the plaintiffs, to whose power even the Special Masters running the trial are not entirely immune. As a fellow human being, […]