Clinical trials Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Cranks against peer review

One of the favorite targets of pseudoscientists is the peer review system. After all, it’s the system through which scientists submit their manuscripts describing their scientific findings or their grant proposals to their peers for an evaluation to determine whether they are scientifically meritorious enough to be published or to be funded. Creationists hate it. […]

Evolution Medicine Science

The winner!

The winners of the Alliance for Science essay contest that I mentioned a couple of months ago, where high school students were asked to write an essay of 1,000 words or less about the topic Why would I want my doctor to have studied evolution?, have been announced. My only question is why the actual […]

Pseudoscience Religion Science Skepticism/critical thinking

When woo masquerades as reason and science

A while back, I coined a term for woo so irrational, woo so desperate to masquerade as reason and science, that it could be spewed forth into books, the Internet, and the blogosophere by only one man. The man is Deepak Chopra, and the term is Chopra-woo, examples of which can be found here and […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics Science

Bloviations and pontifications on the state of cancer research, part 2 (of 2)

In rapid succession after the last pontificating and bloviating article claiming that there will never be a cure for cancer because it would be too financially disastrous to the medical economy, I’ve been made aware of another pontificating and bloviating article decrying the state of cancer research today, entitled Curing Cancer: Running on Vapor, Remedy: […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Science Surgery

Bloviations and pontifications on the state of cancer research, part 1 (of 2)

Readers who don’t like me might think that the title of this post refers to what I am about to write. I know, the title perfectly encapsulates the verbose style that is my stock and trade. In reality, though, it’s referring to a couple of articles floating around the blogosphere of which I’ve become aware […]