Humor Science

Best scientific talk ever!

I know this one’s been circulating around the Internet for a while now, but it’s so perfect that I can’t resist posting it here. Pure genius, particularly the paper upon which the above talk was based!

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Medicine and Evolution, Part 10: “Intelligent design” creationists misrepresenting the role of evolution in medicine

If there’s one undeniable aspect of “intelligent design” creationism advocates, it is their ability to twist and misrepresent science and any discussions of evolution to their own ends. Be it Dr. Michael Egnor‘s twisting of history to claim that eugenics is based on Darwinism, rather than the artificial selection (or, as we snarky ones like […]

Clinical trials Medicine Science

Things like this make medical science worthwhile: A drug to treat genetic diseases due to nonsense mutations

There are times when, as a scientist, I look at an idea and its execution and simply stand in awe. It’s particularly satisfying when it’s a relatively simple idea that could conceivably do a lot of good for a lot of patients. Oddly enough, whether it’s because I’ve been out of the loop or because […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Intelligent design creationism in a nutshell

Thanks to a reader commenting in yesterday’s post, I’ve been made aware of a truly brilliant summation of creationism of both the young earth and intelligent design variety: Exactly.

Medicine Politics Science

Interesting NIH grant tidbits

This is a bit science policy wonky, but here’s some interesting news from Medical Writing, Editing & Grantsmanship: My *favorite* new factoid from the NIH … the oldest “new investigator” to date received his first R01 last year at age … 82. You go, guy! On the other hand, a nobel laureate was triaged. As […]