Pity poor Nikola Tesla. A sure sign of the most potent woo is when the woo-meister responsible claims to base it on the work of a great scientists, particularly a great scientist who’s been dead well over 60 years. Like Nikola Tesla. The deader the scientist is and the longer he or she’s been dead, […]
Category: Science
Richard Dawkins will be interviewed by Bill O’Reilly on the O’Reilly Factor on Monday, April 23. Talk about walking into the lion’s den! I’m not sure this is such a good idea on Richard Dawkins’ part. The problem, of course, is that Bill O’Reilly blusters and yells and doesn’t let guests that he doesn’t like […]
I remain confused. Yes, I know that people who don’t like me very much or at least don’t like the message that I lay down here day in, day out, week in, week out probably aren’t surprised at this startling admission, but I don’t mean it in a general fashion (although no doubt those aforementioned […]
From fellow ScienceBlogger Abel, I’m made aware of an excellent post on the Health Care Renewal Blog about the financial reality of being an academic physician in a modern U.S. medical school. It’s an excellent overview of how medical schools view clinical faculty as, in essence, cash cows that have to bring in the cash […]
…because he’s sure as heck doing his best to cause it damage with his latest antievolution “broadsides,” even to the point where it needs the loving ministrations of a neurosurgeon! His latest screeds produce in me a nearly irresistible urge to pound my head against the nearest hard surface to make the psychic pain stop. […]