A while back, I posted about news reports that teachers in the U.K. were reluctant to teach about the Holocaust because of fears of offending the sensibilities of certain parts of the population. The subtext, of course, was that Muslims were the ones who would be offended. I lamented that such sensitivity might be causing […]
Category: Science
I’m confused again about what appear to be mutually conflicting statements. The Discovery Institute’s favorite creationist neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Egnor two months ago on Pharyngula: Perhaps a fable (not a just-so story!) will illustrate. Imagine that you, P.Z., were a student in 1925. You would study Darwinism fairly intensively as a high school student, undergrad, […]
Pity poor Nikola Tesla. A sure sign of the most potent woo is when the woo-meister responsible claims to base it on the work of a great scientists, particularly a great scientist who’s been dead well over 60 years. Like Nikola Tesla. The deader the scientist is and the longer he or she’s been dead, […]
Richard Dawkins will be interviewed by Bill O’Reilly on the O’Reilly Factor on Monday, April 23. Talk about walking into the lion’s den! I’m not sure this is such a good idea on Richard Dawkins’ part. The problem, of course, is that Bill O’Reilly blusters and yells and doesn’t let guests that he doesn’t like […]
I remain confused. Yes, I know that people who don’t like me very much or at least don’t like the message that I lay down here day in, day out, week in, week out probably aren’t surprised at this startling admission, but I don’t mean it in a general fashion (although no doubt those aforementioned […]