Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The Egnor challenge, day 4

Day four and still no answer to the challenge. I think I agree with some of my readers who’ve complained about this; I’ll cut back on the frequency of reminders to something less than every day…

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Evolution Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The “individualization” of medical treatments, revisited with evolution

The longer I maintain this blog, the more I find unexpected (to me, at least) intersections and relationships between various topics that I write about. Of course, a lot of it simply has to do with the fact that one of the overarching themes of this blog is skepticism and critical thinking, which leads one […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The Egnor challenge, day 3

Two days ago, I posted a challenge to Dr. Egnor and clarified that challenge yesterday. Thus far, there has been no answer. I’m still waiting.

Announcements Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

The Egnor challenge, day 2

Yesterday, at the end of a post about the fallacious statements about evolution that Dr. Mike Egnor, a Professor of Neurosurgery, has been routinely serving up at the Discovery Institute, I made a challenge. I think I’ll repeat it daily for a while until we see if he’s up to answering it. It should be […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Dr. Michael Egnor: The gift that keeps on giving

Agh! I say: Agh! Again. Remember how it was just a mere three days ago that I administered some Respectful Insolence™ to Dr. Michael Egnor, the Energizer Bunny of jaw-droppingly, appallingly ignorant anti-evolution posturing based on his apparently nonexistent understanding of what the theory of evolution actually says? Remember how I said how much I […]