On our backchannel discussion forum, we ScienceBloggers have been discussing a rather interesting idea that we could use to provide extra value to our readers. The idea is to do short articles about basic concepts in science. It’s an intriguing idea, and, while I could try my hand at posts about a number of basic […]
Category: Science
Science blogging anthology
Here’s an interesting concept that’s just been released for purchase, either as a digital download or as a bona fide book: The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006. It’s edited by fellow ScienceBlogger Bora Zikovic. Oh, and it happens to contain a couple of posts by yours truly. In any case, it’s […]
I’ve lamented numerous times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) about the sometimes painful ignorance of biology and evolutionary theory that’s all too common among my fellow physicians, an ignorance that leads to truly embarrassing forays into the “debate” over the pseudoscience of “intelligent design” versus the real science of evolution, an example of which includes […]
It is with a bit of trepidation that I write about this. The reason, for anyone who reads ScienceBlogs specifically or science blogs in general, should be obvious. Richard Dawkins is such a polarizing figure with a penchant for stirring things up with regards to the most deeply held beliefs of both the religious and […]
I like this T-shirt design! Perhaps our Seed overlords would spring for sufficient funds to clothe all of us ScienceBloggers in this fine garb. (Via Boing Boing.)