The Skeptics’ Circle has been hosted in many places and in many forms, but leave it to Kev at Left Brain/Right Brain to bring it to the one place that it’s been hosted before. We’re talking Heaven, people. Naturally, the assembled skeptics were a bit disconcerted by this particular venue, as amusingly recounted by Kev: […]
Category: Science
This one’s for you, Afarensis (all in good fun, of course–well, for the most part, anyway): Here’s Jeff Suppan, pitcher for the Cardinals (who, it just so happens, will be starting game four of the World Series tonight) appearing prominently along with Patricia Heaton, Jim Caviezel, and other celebrities in a predictably lame “response” ad […]
Having been out of town a lot the last couple of weeks, I haven’t read the New York Times Magazine the last couple of Sundays. It’s a magazine that I either read cover to cover or toss aside having read only The Ethicist, something that usually happens when it delves into some annoying hipster topic […]
…check out Ed Brayton’s masterful fisking of some truly awful anti-evolution “arguments.” Note especially the way that the two bloggers who run the site, when faced with criticisms of their mangling of facts and attributing “holes” in evolutionary theory that really aren’t, simply repeat the same fallacious arguments again and again in the comments and […]
Here we go again. The “scientists” at the Discovery Institute seldom miss an opportunity to shoot themselves in the foot by making specious arguments that anyone with a reasonable understanding of evolution can shoot down. It doesn’t take an evolutionary biologist to thoroughly dismantle most of the “scholarship” that flows from the DI (which is […]