Medicine Science Surgery

Wearing two hats, part 1

While I am on vacation, I’m reprinting a number of “Classic Insolence” posts to keep the blog active while I’m gone. (It also has the salutory effect of allowing me to move some of my favorite posts from the old blog over to the new blog, and I’m guessing that quite a few of my […]

Biology Computers and social media Science

Searching the scientific literature through the years

After my experience with using (or, as at least one of my readers has suggested, misusing) my blog to get an article to which my university does not provide online access, it occurred to me just how much our means of accessing the scientific literature has changed in the last decade and just how radical […]

Blogging Cancer Evolution Medicine Science

Literature request fulfilled

Thanks to those who sent me a copy of the article I requested. Sadly, the library at my university has some rather large holes in its online collection. Even some fairly common journals are not represented. I’ll have to read it this weekend. You’ll all get personal e-mails from me later today, after I finish […]

Blogging Cancer Evolution Medicine Science

Literature request

Here’s a humble request of my readers. I’m looking for an article in a journal to which my university library does not offer online access. I’m interested in reading it, but not so interested that I’m wililng to pay the $40 to download it. If necessary, I can get it via interlibrary loan, but they’ll […]

Blogging Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science

An anti-ID initiative

I got this in my e-mail the other day that may be of interest to folks interested in countering the pseudoscience of “intelligent design” creationism: