Medicine Science

An interesting tidbit about Mark Geier

In the light of recently discovered possible chicanery on the part of Mark Geier and his dubious IRB, I found this report by John Leavitt very interesting: My interest in inserting bacterial genes into mammalian cells stemmed from a paper published in Nature in 1971 by NIH scientists, Carl Merril, Mark Geier, and John Petricciani, […]

Medicine Science

More carnival barking

The latest Tangled Bank has been posted. Go get your science fix there. Over at Emergiblog, a new nursing blog carnival (Change of Shift) has been inaugurated with Volume 1, Number 1.

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Politics Science

A lovely fisking of Ann Coulter

Via Evolving Thoughts, this article about Ann Coulter’s misrepresentation of the Dover case is just too good for me not to link to also. Best excerpt: One part of her latest book that’s getting little notice is the part that deals with Dover and what is purported to be the “debate” over evolution. She begins […]


Ask a ScienceBlogger: Time

Time – He’s waiting in the wings He speaks of senseless things His script is you and me, boys Time – He flexes like a whore Falls wanking to the floor His trick is you and me, boy Time – In Quaaludes and red wine Demanding Billy Dolls And other friends of mine Take your […]


Open peer review: an idea whose time has come?

Over at the Nature blogs, they’re soliciting comments and opinions about open peer review: The goal of any change in the peer review system must be to improve the quality of review, where quality is determined by two distinct functions: filtering manuscripts for publication in a given journal; and making constructive suggestions on how the […]