Humor Science fiction/fantasy

A belated Boba Fett Christmas and Happy New Year

Star Wars geek that I am (the original three movies, anyway), I couldn’t resist posting this…. Happy New Years, all! If you’re partying tonight, don’t drink and drive.

Entertainment/culture Science fiction/fantasy Television

Babylon 5 to return?

I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I really loved Babylon 5 while it was on; it was one of my favorite TV series of all time, and I own all five seasons on DVD. Even though the fifth and final season seemed a bit stretched out, the last five or six episodes […]

Entertainment/culture Movies Science fiction/fantasy

Spider-Man 3 is so going to rock

I saw the trailer for Spiderman 3 last night. The comic geek in me is starting to get excited, because the movie looks like it’s going to be really, really good, perhaps the best Spider-Man movie so far. It looks as though Venom, the Sandman, and Harry Osbourne, Jr. taking up where his dad (the […]

Humor Politics Science fiction/fantasy

On Election Day…the last negative campaign ad you need to see until 2008

I voted a couple hours ago, and polls have just closed in my part of the country. All over the eastern part of the U.S., the counting of the votes is shifting into high gear. This election year saw some truly disgusting negative ads all over the country. Too bad none of them were like […]

Politics Religion Science fiction/fantasy

Wingnuts against Harry Potter–again

It seems to be the time of the year for this sort of thing. Yes, I realize that the Harry Potter novels have come under attack from various fundamentalist Christians, who view them as somehow indoctrinating children into witchcraft, Wicca, demon worship, or whatever. I also realize that I may be a bit behind the […]