Entertainment/culture Science fiction/fantasy Television

45 years of Doctor Who

After seeing some Doctor Who silliness yesterday, I also came across this great tribute to 45 years of Doctor Who. Since it’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and I’m again too lazy to post anything substantive until Monday, here we go again. It’s every Who story compressed into less than 8 minutes. Truly, a tour de […]

Entertainment/culture Music Science fiction/fantasy Television

Doctor Who versus Eminem versus Benny Hill

Why? Because I love Doctor Who and Benny Hill (although I was never much of an Eminem fan) and because it’s funny, that’s why. Besides, it’s a beautiful Saturday, and I’m feeling too lazy to post anything substantive this morning. That’s all the reason I need.

Humor Politics Science fiction/fantasy

Now there’s a Presidential candidate for this age!

I realize my post earlier today was a bit of a downer, but what can I say? Lately, there doesn’t seem to be much good news on the ever-growing front in the war against quackery. However, in researching that piece I did come across something that made me smile. I found the campaign website for […]

Science fiction/fantasy Television

I can’t wait until Saturday night…

…or maybe Sunday morning, as I don’t know how long it will take to get this by BitTorrent, the penultimate episode of series 4 of Doctor Who (if you’re a Doctor Who fan and haven’t seen the last couple of episodes before this Saturday’s episode The Stolen Earth, beware the spoilers–don’t start the videos if […]

Science fiction/fantasy Television

And now for something completely different…the Doctor Who series 4 mid-season trailer hits the Intertubes

Tired of hearing me rant about antivaccinationists? Actually, I’m a bit tired of ranting about antivaccinationists myself, but a blogger’s got to do what a blogger’s got to do when an event like Jenny McCarthy’s “Green Our Vaccines” rally pops up. Still, that doesn’t mean I can’t take a break and indulge myself for a […]