Entertainment/culture History Movies Science fiction/fantasy Television World War II

Hitler pans the Torchwood season finale

Ever since it appeared as an “adult” spinoff of Doctor Who, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Torchwood. The first season was about as uneven as anything I’ve ever seen, ranging from a truly execrable (and, even worse, unforgivably stupidly and badly written) “homage” to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Countrycide) that ranks among the worst […]

Entertainment/culture Humor Science fiction/fantasy Television

Why, yes, I’d always wondered the answer to the question of…

…which Presidential candidate would make the best companion for which Doctor. I have to agree with Phil, though, in that McCain is probably too old. In the show, the Doctor’s companions are nearly always younger-appearing than the Doctor. McCain looks way older than the Doctor–and I’m talking about the Doctor’s real age.

Blogging Entertainment/culture Science fiction/fantasy Television

I’m ready for my close-up…

You didn’t think I wouldn’t take notice of this bit of news, did you? Even if I had, I would have had little choice, as readers deluged me with various news reports about this. Yes, it would appear that there might very well be a new Blakes 7 series. Of course, I’ll believe it when […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Science fiction/fantasy Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Harry Potter called, and he’s looking for the Philosopher’s Stone

Sometimes my readers save my butt. There I was earlier this week, looking through my Folder of Woo, as is my wont, and oddly enough nothing much was floating my boat. I know, I know, I’ve started this little weekly exercise before lamenting a lack of enthusiasm for the woo of which I am aware. […]

Science fiction/fantasy

Geek orgasms will ensue…

…at Elijah Wood’s elaborating on plans to adapt J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit to the big screen in not one but two movies. I don’t know if he knows what he’s talking about or not, even if he is buddies with Peter Jackson, but the plans sound at the same time intriguing and worrisome. I do […]