Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment can kill

On Friday, a hyperbaric oxygen chamber exploded, killing a five-year-old child being treated at an “integrative” clinic. Quackery kills.

Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Access Consciousness: Energy medicine woo and new phrenology

Access Consciousness claims to show how to improve your mental and physical health by touching 32 Access Bars on your scalp. It’s basically phrenology reborn and fused with “energy medicine.”

Bad science Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

The New York Times goes all in on “lab leak”

Earlier this week, the New York Times op-ed page ran an article by Alina Chan, Queen of lab leak conspiracy theories. How is it wrong? Let me count the ways…

Antivaccine nonsense Skepticism/critical thinking

Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute goes full Alex Jones antivax conspiracy theorist

I’ve long argued that antivax beliefs, indeed all science denial, is conspiracy theory. Leave it to the Brownstone Institute’s Jeffery Tucker to make my point better for me than I ever could. Of course, Brownstone was always going to “go there.”

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Quoth Dr. Prasad: “It would not be difficult” to do an impossible VAERS study

Dr. Vinay Prasad recently attacked an epidemiological study published in JAMA Open Network reporting that people in red states are more likely to report vaccine injuries, claiming that it “would not be difficult” to do a much more rigorous study.