Adam Cifu and Vinay Prasad at Sensible Medicine defend Elle Macpherson’s decision not to undergo chemotherpay for her breast cancer. Too bad they shortchange the quackery in doing so.

Adam Cifu and Vinay Prasad at Sensible Medicine defend Elle Macpherson’s decision not to undergo chemotherpay for her breast cancer. Too bad they shortchange the quackery in doing so.
Antivaxxer James Lyons-Weiler, like so many antivaxxers, just let his transphobe freak flag fly high. Does he have to abuse evolution too?
I wrote about neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Teo and his supposedly near-miraculous resections of “inoperable” brain tumors. He’s back, and it turns out that I was likely way too easy on him a decade ago.
A recent case report of a spinal mass in a patient with spinal cord injury who received an olfactory mucosa implant shows that stem cells are not risk-free, even when done at a reputable hospital rather than at a for-profit quack stem cell clinics.
Regular readers will have noticed that I haven’t been blogging nearly as much as usual. All I can say is that a combination of personal and professional issues and obligations have gotten in the way. Also, I have been a bit under the weather, as hard as it is to believe that a Tarial cell-driven […]