It’s Election Day. Worse, it’s quite possible that America’s Quack Dr. Mehmet Oz could be Senator-Elect Oz by tomorrow. He was helped by a profound failure of medical academia in general and Columbia University in particular.

It’s Election Day. Worse, it’s quite possible that America’s Quack Dr. Mehmet Oz could be Senator-Elect Oz by tomorrow. He was helped by a profound failure of medical academia in general and Columbia University in particular.
Last Friday, Bill Maher went full transphobe, repurposing old antivax trope commonly used to deny a predominantly genetic component to autism and claim vaccine causation in order to mock the idea that there is a biological basis to being transgender and claim its prevalence is increasing now because it’s “trendy.”
Decades after “America’s Quack” Dr. Oz pioneered “integrating” quackery into medicine and after many years of promoting diet scams and quackery on a nationally syndicated daily television show, Columbia University might actually have quietly downgraded his status. What took so long?
America’s Quack Dr. Mehmet Oz announced that he will run for the GOP nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania. We really don’t need another quack senator like Rand Paul, but we might get one just the same.
Yesterday, celebrity Alec Baldwin let his antivaccine freak flag fly by interviewing antivaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Instagram Live, spreading disinformation about vaccines and COVID-19.