History Holocaust World War II

Uproar over a satirical cartoon about Hitler

Via History News Network: (Translation below the fold.) Apparently, the above cartoon, Der Bonker, in which a disconsolate (and rappin’!) Hitler is portrayed sitting on the toilet complaining about Churchill, is causing an uproar in Germany:

History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Sports World War II

Baseball and the never-ending hunger

Deep within Yankee Stadium, a timeless evil had arrived (well, an evil around 61 years old, anyway–well, 117 years old if you count its entire existence) shambling through the dark service corridors and halls, on a never-ending quest to satisfy its unquenchable hunger. Why it had come to this place, it did not know. Perhaps […]

History Hitler Zombie World War II

Perhaps the Hitler Zombie is smarter than we think…

After last week’s reemergence of the Hitler Zombie from his underground crypt to snack on the brains of a couple of political consultants in my home city of Detroit, my sister kindly sent me this link, which explains a bit more of the background. It turns out that the HItler Zombie may be cleverer than […]

History Hitler Zombie Politics World War II

It returns: The horror invades Michigan

Sitting in a corner office, Adolph Mongo perused daily reports. It was early evening and nearly everyone in the office had gone home, leaving only a few die-hards left to finish up. A crack political operative who runs a political and media consulting firm active in Michigan and Detroit politics, Mongo never hesitated to play […]

History Humor Sports World War II

One half of my heritage at its finest

About two weeks ago, I did a brief post about a Lithuanian guy whose blood alcohol level was beyond what would kill most mortal men but who was fully conscious and nominally able to drive. I facetiously referred to it as “one quarter of my heritage at its finest,” given that I’m one quarter Lithuanian. […]