Bad science Clinical trials Medicine

Dexamethasone and hydrochloroquine: A tale of two drugs for COVID-19

Science by press release is never good. The press release claiming that dexamethasone is effective against severe COVID-19 is no exception.

Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

The Brogan-Ji brain trust says “Wake up, sheeple!” over COVID-19

Kelly Brogan and fellow conspiracy theorists Sayer Ji and Ali Zeck liken submission to public health measures for COVID-19 to childhood trauma and the Stockholm syndrome. What they’re really saying is, “Wake up, sheeple!

Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

The WHO walks back its statement that asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission is “very rare”

Yesterday, the World Health Organization walked back its statement that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is “very rare.” This was after COVID-19 deniers had had a field day using that statement to attack social distancing, contact tracing, and mask wearing. It was a science communication disaster.

Popular culture Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Did the WHO just say that asymptomatic people with COVID-19 don’t transmit the coronavirus?

A story claiming that the WHO just said that asymptomatic COVID-19 patients don’t transmit coronavirus. Spoilers: It didn’t. However, the WHO’s message added unnecessary confusion and led COVID-19 deniers to say masks and social distancing are not necessary.

Bad science Clinical trials Medicine Politics Popular culture

The Surgisphere debacle

I got it wrong about something. It turns out that recent Lancet hydroxychloroquine study was likely fraudulent, thanks to a small, very dodgy company called Surgisphere. Here, I admit and explain my error and try to set things right.