Clinical trials Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The latest COVID-19 quackery: Intravenous bleach

Just when I thought I’d seen it all, I discover that there are quacks in Ecuador treating COVID-19 with bleach—intravenous bleach.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The pre-emptive disinformation war against a coronavirus vaccine

We don’t even have a coronavirus vaccine yet, but the antivaccine movement is already spreading misinformation and disinformation about it.

Clinical trials Medicine Popular culture

Didier Raoult in the NYT: The “brave maverick” narrative and bypassing science-based medicine

Didier Raoult is back, with a huge profile in the New York Times. Unfortunately, much is left out out of the profile of this “brave maverick,” even as evidence mounts against hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19.


What Plandemic left out about Judy Mikovits’ wild conspiracy mongering

Last week, the “Plandemic” video went viral with conspiracy theories about COVID-19. What it left out were some of Judy Mikovits’ other conspiracy theories! Here’s a hint: They involve glyphosate, vaccines, and plutonium!

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter

Judy Mikovits is a disgraced scientist who claimed a retrovirus caused chronic fatigue syndrome, results later soundly refuted. She went antivaccine for a while but has now been reborn as a COVID-19 grifter.