Friday Woo Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: The secrets of Jesus and immortality can be yours–for a price

As hard as it is to believe, we’re up to the third week of Your Friday Dose of Woo. And, at week 3, I’m still having the same problem: too many targets of woo, so many so that they overwhelmed my tired brain not unlike Lionel Milgrom’s quantum homeopathy becoming quantumly entangled with my neurons. […]

Medicine Surgery

Welcome another surgeon to the blogosphere!

Sid Schwab has started blogging at Surgeonsblog. One of his early posts is about a particularly difficult breast cancer patient that he had to deal with. He even shares my pet peeve about mammographers: The radiologist who read my patient’s current xray reported that there was a cluster of indeterminant calcifications in the previously treated […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Choosing quackery over evidence-based medicine: When is a patient old enough?

Over the couple of days or so, a minor flurry of comments have hit the ol’ blog. I hate to let commenters dictate the content of my blog, but it’s strictly a coincidence that this happens to be a post I had been planning sometime this week anyway and it comes around the same time […]


Change of Shift time

The latest edition of Change of Shift, a blog carnival for nursing, has been posted at Emergiblog. Check it out.


The Waiter reveals the benefits of those “concierge” programs

You’ve probably heard of them, those concierge programs credit card companies offer that claim to be able to get you reservations at popular restaurants. You’ve probably wondered if they were any good or could do what is claimed. The Waiter gives the real story about how useful those cards are for this purpose.