Autism Bioethics Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Anti-mercury warriors descending further into the depths

Damn you, Kathleen. Every time I think that I can give the whole mercury/autism thing a rest for a while and move on to less infuriating pastures, you keep finding things that keep dragging me back to the pit of pseudoscience inhabited by Dr. Mark Geier and his son David. The first time around, Kathleen […]

Blogging Skepticism/critical thinking

Belated fecal anniversary wishes

One year ago yesterday, a turd flew, the first of many to come. A new skeptic had arrived in the blogosphere, and he called himself (appropriately enough, given his propensity for lobbing fecalgrams at the credulous) The Pooflinger. I feel real bad that I missed his blogiversary because of something as insignificant as being on […]


Grand Rounds

The latest Grand Rounds is up over at Medviews. Enjoy


Bad History

There’s a lot of bad history out there. People abuse and misuse history all the time for their own ideological or political ends. Sometimes people are just ignorant of history. Fortunately, in the blogosphere, there’s an antidote: The Carnival of Bad History. Jonathan has posted The Carnival of Bad History #6 at Frog in a […]

Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Amazed at the effect a minor blog can have

Busy at NIH Study section today, I didn’t have time to compose anything extensive. (And there is most definitely something that needs a little Respectful Insolence going on; unfortunately, it will have to wait until tomorrow to receive it.) Fortunately, I had some thing in reserver for just such an occasion. From my e-mail several […]