Holocaust denial

Andrew asks the right question

My blog buddy Andrew has a bit of fun turning a favorite Holocaust denier question back at them. In reaction to laws against Holocaust denial in some European nations, deniers like to ask: “What kind of truth needs protection?” They were particularly loud about this during the recent trial of David Irving. Now, Andrew notes […]


Tangled Bank

The latest Tangled Bank has been posted. Enjoy!


Basic science? We doctors don’t need no steekin’ basic science!

RangelMD asks: Do student doctors really need to know anatomy and that other basic science stuff? And Dr. RW chimes in sarcastically, Who needs all that basic science bunk? Naturally, as you might expect from recent posts, I can’t resist putting my two cents in on this topic as well. The discussion was provoked by […]

Humor Medicine

How to choose a career in medicine

Via Kevin, MD and The Huffington Post, of all places: While you’re at it, remember to follow the medical student food pyramid. (Of course, the pyramid left out Doritos and Coke, my Breakfast of Champions when I was a first year medical student.)

Blog housekeeping

I toady to my Seed overlords

In an attempt to periodically provoke discussion on various issues, our overlords at Seed plan on posing questions to us ScienceBloggers. The first question, which some of us have already answered is this: If you could cause one invention from the last hundred years never to have been made at all, which would it be, […]