There is a deadly measles outbreak in Samoa. It is fueled by low vaccine uptake sparked by a tragic case in which two children died because of a screwup mixing up vaccines. Antivaxers have used this case to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

There is a deadly measles outbreak in Samoa. It is fueled by low vaccine uptake sparked by a tragic case in which two children died because of a screwup mixing up vaccines. Antivaxers have used this case to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
John Lawlor trusted a chiropractor. That chiropractor, Arleen Scholten, manipulated his neck to treat leg pain. The result? Mr. Lawlor died. Why do chiropractors keep doing neck manipulation?
This week,a ridiculous practice called “perineum sunning” (or “butthole sunning”) went viral on social media and the news. It’s so ridiculous a practice that I have to wonder if social media influencers made up for clicks.
Jami Hepworth is a doctor’s wife. Having dubbed herself the “Skeptical Doctor’s Wife,” she has become an antivaccine activist. Unfortunately, doctor’s wife or not, medicine and science are clearly not her forte. She also doesn’t like laughing emojis directed at her.
Drs. Alberto Siller and Alberto Garcia are at it again at ClĂnica 0-19, peddling a dubious case series touting their DIPG treatment. Let’s just say that it does not demonstrate that their treatment is better than existing treatments; i.e., not very good.