
Jack Chick’s own art turned against him

Heh. More people should do this to Jack Chick tracts. Click the image to see Jack’s own tricks turned against him. Here is the original cartoon by Jack Chick.


The Skeptics’ Circle is fast approaching

It’s that time again. In less than three days, the latest Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle will be posted at Terra Sigillata (who, by the way, wrote an excellent post while I was away at my meeting on why we should continue to study rare cancers). You have until Wednesday evening to submit to him […]

Cancer Medicine

Medicine and evolution, Part 2: Applying evolutionary principles to cancer

Last week, I inaugurated a new series on this blog entitled Medicine and Evolution. I even wrote what was to be the second post in the series, a post that (I hoped) would illustrate the utility of applying approaches used to study evolution to human disease. That post is essentially complete, other than requiring the […]


Does my weblog own me?

My wife would say yes. But, because all the other ScienceBloggers appear to be doing it, I had to take this test to find out: 18.75 % My weblog owns 18.75 % of me.Does your weblog own you? It’s actually not as bad as I had feared. It would actually only be 12.5% if I […]

Politics Science

No Child Left Behind: Unintended consequences

How depressing. Right there on the front page of the New York Times this morning: SACRAMENTO — Thousands of schools across the nation are responding to the reading and math testing requirements laid out in No Child Left Behind, President Bush’s signature education law, by reducing class time spent on other subjects and, for some […]