Intelligent design/creationism

Judge Jones threatened?

Why am I not surprised to learn this? From an AP article: HARRISBURG — Following recent accounts of threats against other judges, the federal judge in the Dover intelligent design case revealed he, too, was a target of threatening e-mails. U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III said a spate of e-mails came on the […]

Holocaust denial Music

References to Holocaust denial in record reviews?

Speaking of Holocaust denial, opening sentence of a review of a new CD by Be Your Own Pet: Aside from the deaf or those in a level of denial up there with David Irving’s idiot pronouncements on the Holocaust, everyone’s aware that we live in great times for music. Heh. I’m not sure this sort […]

Holocaust Holocaust denial

Real Holocaust revisionism

One of the most annoying thing about Holocaust “revisionists” is that they really aren’t revisionists at all. Revisionism is a legitimate academic pursuit in history. Indeed, nearly all history is to some extent revisionist, because new historians find new sources that previously may have been lost or otherwise not available and reinterpret history in light […]

Skepticism/critical thinking

More evidence supporting old adages

Here’s more proof that there’s “one born every minute” and that “nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public” (yes, I know I’m mixing quote sources): A man named Monte Bowman is selling a product called Photoblocker that is designed to be sprayed on auto license plates in order to confound cameras […]

Blog housekeeping

One last word on comments

I forgot to mention in my comment policy yesterday a couple of things that people commenting here should know. Because of our comment spam problem, filters at most of the blogs at ScienceBlogs are set up such that putting more than two hyperlinks in a comment will automatically trigger a filter that will flag the […]