Medicine Quackery

The Cleveland Clinic publishes a study touting the benefits of the quackery known as “functional medicine”

The Cleveland Clinic has, unfortunately, embraced the quackery known as “functional medicine.” Now it’s publishing dubious studies touting it.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine

Molecular mimicry: The new old antivaccine abuse of science

Antivaxers are nothing if not persistent and sometimes creative abusing science. This time it’s molecular mimicry, because of course it is. Anything to blame vaccines for autoimmune disease!

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Biology Medicine

Brain inflammation, autism, and antivaxers

Another study appears to link chronic inflammation of the brain to autism. Antivaxers, as always, conclude that vaccines done it. This is a continuation of yesterday’s discussion.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

Autism and brain inflammation: A study by Theoharis Theoharides used and abused by antivaxers

Prof. Theoharis Theoharides of Tufts University published a study claiming to have found neuroinflammation in autistic brains, and antivaxers go wild. Surprise! Surprise! The study is less impressive than you would think.

Cancer Medicine Popular culture

A tourist finds breast cancer after a thermal scan at Camera Obscura. That doesn’t mean thermography works.

Bal Gill saw a hot spot on her breast on a thermal image she had taken at Camera Obscura in Edinburgh. This led her to see her doctor, who diagnosed breast cancer. Although a happy coincidence, this incident does not mean that thermography is an effective modality to detect occult breast cancer.