
RINO Sightings

A new RINO Sightings: Monday the 13th Horror Edition is up at Searchlight Crusade.

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Science

Applying science to green tea

It occurs to me that I haven’t done much straight science blogging lately. Yes, debunking pseudoscience and quackery is fun, useful, and has the potential to educate people about how science is misused, but this is ScienceBlogs. Since arriving here four weeks ago, I haven’t fulfilled my quota of science blogging, and it’s time to […]

Entertainment/culture Science fiction/fantasy Television

Battlestar Galactica blogging: Season finale

I have mixed feelings about the season finale of Battlestar Galactica, which aired Friday night. Overall, the second season has been a lot less consistent than the first. Some episodes (Downloaded, for example) were as good or better than anything in the first season, while a couple (Black Market, for example) bordered on being downright […]

EneMan Humor

Truth, Justice, and Regularity invade ScienceBlogs

Regular readers of this blog since before the move to ScienceBlogs a month ago have probably wondered when everybody’s favorite blog mascot would return. It’s likely that Christopher Mims and the rest of the ScienceBlog editors probably hoped that he wouldn’t, so as not to associate the Seed Magazine name with such strangeness. Perhaps even […]


What some people will do for fun

Given the spring-like weather we’ve been enjoying the last couple of days, I happened across a reminder of what the weather was like just a few weeks ago. I’ve never understood the attraction of doing this for fun. To me it looks profoundly unpleasant at best. Insanity.