Complementary and alternative medicine Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

The Pooflinger muscling in on my territory?

It’s good to see the Pooflinger back in action. It really is. I don’t even mind that he’s starting to muscle in on my territory, because, as he points out, alties need poo-love too. In the process He’s unearthed a “gem” of altie wackiness that even I had never encountered before. Better still, he’s returned […]

Paranormal Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Project Jason: Psychics and missing people

As a skeptic, when discussing psychics and how there is zero scientific evidence for the existence of psychic powers, I often come up against the attitude that says, “What’s the harm if people believe in psychics?” What’s the harm indeed? Have your palm read, and it’s kind of fun, but you generally don’t take it […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial

More on the Holocaust History Project fire

An update to the arson at the Holocaust History Project that I first discussed on Wednesday. A local news report showing the extent of the damage to the offices of the Holocaust History Project and including an interview with Harry Mazal can be found here. Not unexpectedly, the cockroaches are crawling out of the woodwork […]

Announcements Blog housekeeping

The joy of scheduling

Those of you who’ve been around a while may have noticed something different about the blog over the last few days. What’s happened is that, instead of doing what I normally used to do with my old Blogspot blog and either posting right after midnight or posting messages that I had written the night before […]


Happy Birthday to PZ–from EneMan!

A little bird told me that today is PZ Myers‘ birthday and instigated a little blog birthday party for him among various science bloggers. I wondered how I might send my wishes to him for a happy birthday or whom I might invite. Then it came to me. There was only one entity, one creature […]