After yesterday’s all-out frontal assault on a dubious scientific journal (which, by the way, you should still read if you haven’t already), how about some lighter fare for today? A couple of months ago, when the fury of fundamentalist Muslims was directed at Denmark for the publication by one of its newspapers of cartoons portraying […]
I’m feeling a bit envious right now. Kevin Leitch has something I haven’t. He’s acquired his very own blog sockpuppet: Someone (and it’s really not hard to guess who) has created a little sockpuppet site for me. Whomever (ahem) it is has also started sprinkling the blogosphere with spicy comments from ‘me’. How cool is […]
Last Call For The Skeptics’ Circle
The 30th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle is scheduled to appear at Paige’s Page on Thursday, March 16. It’s less than two days away. But, even more importantly, the deadline is less than 24 hours away. Submissions are due Wednesday night. Get them to Paige by tomorrow night if you want your skepticism to be […]
Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 25
Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 25 has been posted over at GeekNurse. It’s time once again to enjoy the best medical blogging from the last few weeks.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons appears to be a legitimate medical professional group. It’s not. It’s a far right wing group of doctors masquerading as a professional society. Its journal reflects that by being packed with pseudoscience and antivaccine misinformation.