
It’s worse than I thought

A while back, I mentioned how the budget proposed in the President’s budget for the NIH for fiscal year 2007 was flat. It turns out that, for those of us in the field of cancer research, it’s worse than that. Making the rounds at our cancer institute is an e-mail from one of the higher-ups, […]

Humor Skepticism/critical thinking

Drat! These pesky scientific facts won’t line up behind my beliefs!

So, what do you do when those pesky scientific facts won’t line up with your beliefs, be they beliefs that evolution doesn’t explain the diversity of life, that mercury causes autism, that global warming isn’t happening, or whatever your faith-based scientific belief might be? Click on the image, and White House Situational Science Advisor tells […]


Friday random ten (on Saturday)

The Friday Random Ten is a bit of a blog tradition that many bloggers periodically indulge in, including fellow ScienceBloggers PZ, Chad, and John. However, Orac, ever the contrarian, likes to indulge in this practice on Saturdays (when he does it at all). So, without further ado, take a plunge into a very small sampling […]

Science fiction/fantasy

I’m not so sure about this result

Personally, I was hoping for either the Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica crew. Besides, the second Matrix movie was a big letdown after the first one, and the third Matrix movie totally sucked. You scored as Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix). You can change the world around you. You have a strong will and a high technical […]

Announcements Blog housekeeping

Comments on the old blog

A quick announcement: I’ve been having a bit of a comment spam problem on the old blog, which is now mothballed and is only maintained as an archive site. Consequently, over the next few days to weeks, I am going to march through all the posts and disable comments. I hate comment spammers.