
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. lays down even more antivax misinformation now that SB 276 has become law

SB 276 is now law, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is very unhappy, so much so that he’s laying down the antivax nonsense fast and furious. It’s particularly nonsensical, even for him.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Popular culture Pseudoscience

The Brownstone Institute: Promoting antivaccine misinformation in Africa

The signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration and its “spiritual child” the Brownstone Institute, swear up and down that they are not anttivaccine. If that’s so, why are Brownstone-affiliated academics spreading antivaccine misinformation in Uganda (and everywhere else)?

Antivaccine nonsense Homeopathy Medicine Quackery

Larry Cook: A time warp cornucopia of antivax quackery

Larry Cook is a longtime antivaxxer turned anti-COVID-19 vaccine. This month, he updated his “vaccine injury treatment guide.” It’s pure quackery. Same as it ever was.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics

“Debate me” bros in the age of COVID-19 disinformation

Quacks, science deniers, and conspiracy theorists love to challenge doctors, scientists, and science communicators to “live public debates” over the science they deny. I just say no, and you should say no too if you are in a position to receive such a challenge.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Steve Kirsch reveals “secret plan to end the vaccine madness”

Steve Kirsch has a “secret plan to end the vaccine madness.” In reality, it’s not secret, but a conglomeration of antivaccine conspiracy theories, misinformation, and pseudoscience.