Antivaccine nonsense Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Justice Terry Clackson accused of racism over his ruling acquitting the parents of Ezekiel Stephan for his death from medical negligence

Alberta Justice Terry Clackson has come under fire for racist language in his ruling acquitting David and Collet Stephan in the death of their child. Is the criticism deserved? Yes. His ruling was horrible on other grounds, but he added racism to the mix.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

The tragic death of Evee Clobes: How antivaxers recruit grieving mothers to their cause

Evee Clobes was a six month old who died due to SIDS. Unfortunately, antivaxers used the grief of her mother Caitlin to recruit her to their cause. It’s an all too common tactic, because antivaxers know that grieving mothers are their most potent messengers.

Medicine Politics Popular culture

“Right-to-try” in 2019: Still a failure, still all about the Benjamins (and weakening the FDA)

Federal “right-to-try” legislation was passed and signed into law by President Trump over a year ago. Advocates promised that lots of terminally ill people who were dying then would be saved by having the right to “try” experimental therapies outside of the context of clinical trials. That has not happened. This should come as no surprise, because right-to-try was never about getting experimental drugs to dying patients. It was always about weakening the FDA and making money.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

Ezekiel Stephan: Justice denied, quackery triumphant

In 2012, a 19 month old boy named Ezekiel Stephan died of bacterial meningitis because his parents believe in quackery over medicine. They were convicted, but a new trial ordered by the Supreme Court has now acquitted them in a truly horrific ruling.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

“Levi Quackenboss” lays down her “rules of antivaxxing”

Orac’s old “friend,” antivaxer Levi Quackenboss, has laid down the “rules of antivaxxing.” Orac is amused and deconstructs her rules. Can you say “projection”? Sure, I knew you could