A new study that mathematically models vaccination and measles spread shows why Texas is overdue for large measles outbreaks, thanks to its growing number of children whose parents claim personal belief exemptions to school vaccine mandates.

A new study that mathematically models vaccination and measles spread shows why Texas is overdue for large measles outbreaks, thanks to its growing number of children whose parents claim personal belief exemptions to school vaccine mandates.
Sometimes there are weeks where I decided to take care of something that’s been in the old Blog Fodder Folder on my computer and that I’ve been meaning to do a post about. Usually, because many of these are not time-sensitive, they get pushed back in priority whenever something that is time sensitive catches my […]
Ann Dachel of the antivaccine blog Age of Autism and Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo inadvertently demonstrate how with antivaccine pseudoscience the more things change the more they stay the same.
Austin Bennett is an antivaxer and chemtrail conspiracy theorist. Yesterday, he approached California Sen. Richard Pan in downtown Sacramento. There, he harangued Dr. Pan and ultimately shoved him, all on Facebook Live. Is the violent rhetoric of antivaxers closer to real violence?
Kylee Dixon is a 13-year-old girl with undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver whose mother stopped chemotherapy and has been treating her with CBD oil. The State of Oregon intervened to see that Kylee undergoes appropriate surgery. Where do “parental rights” end and the child’s rights begin?