Orac encounters a study of chiropractice manipulation under anesthesia for infant torticollis. Iit takes a lot to horrify Orac any more, but subjecting infants to unnecessary anesthesia and radiation to crack their necks did it.

Orac encounters a study of chiropractice manipulation under anesthesia for infant torticollis. Iit takes a lot to horrify Orac any more, but subjecting infants to unnecessary anesthesia and radiation to crack their necks did it.
Over the last two weeks, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms started to crackdown on the spread of antivaccine misinformation on their services. Will it be enough?
Dr. Gary Kohls is an antivaccine doctor who writes for The Duluth Reader. After Orac criticized him, he decided to strike bacik. It did not go well. Let’s just say that Dr. Kohls is good at hypocrisy and projection.
Yet another huge epidemiological study finds no association between vaccination with MMR and autism. Same as it ever was. That doesn’t stop a particularly clueless antivaxer from trying to “refute” it, to hilariously inept results.
Dr. Edward Fogarty is a radiologist who thinks he knows about vaccines. He recently published a deranged antivaccine rant in the form of an open letter to the Washington State legislature, thus bringing shame on his fellow physicians. Where’s my paper bag again?