Bad science Cancer Medicine Naturopathy Quackery

The quackademic avalanche: Is it too late for the pebbles to vote?

I’ve documented the infiltration of quackery into academic medicine through the “integration” of mystical and prescientific treatment modalities into medicine. Here, I look at a seemingly small incident, a veritable pebble in the quackademic avalanche. Is it too late for the pebbles to vote?

Homeopathy Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

fake médicine: Science-based medicine versus homeopathy in France

Homeopathy is The One Quackery To Rule Them All. The same is true all over the world. It’s also true that the preferred tactic of homeopaths and other quacks is to try to suppress criticism of their quackery, not to answer it with science. During Homeopathy Awareness Week, I present an example of this in France.

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The dubious cancer “virotherapy” Rigvir returns with an equally dubious case report

Rigvir is a “virotherapy” from Latvia promoted by the International Virotherapy Center and, increasingly, by alternative cancer clinics. There is no convincing scientific evidence for its efficacy. That didn’t stop its advocates from presenting a case report. Not surprisingly, the case report isn’t convincing either.

Homeopathy Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Homeopathy Awareness Week 2018 starts today. Let’s help celebrate by reminding people that it’s quackery!

Homeopathy Awareness Week starts today. Terrifyingly, the theme this year is “Homeopathy for Pregnancy an Childbirth.” Here, Orac does his part to celebrate by reminding his readers once again why homeopathy remains The One Quackery To Rule Them All.

Bad science Biology Cancer Medicine Science

Conspiratorial fear mongering about cell phones and cancer, courtesy of The Nation

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that it is incredibly unlikely that cell phone radiation causes cancer or other health problems. That doesn’t stop The Nation from constructing a conspiracy theory inn which cell phone companies are likened to tobacco companies in their campaign of denial designed to hide evidence of harm while disingenuously claiming to be neutral regarding the science and saying that scientists should determine whether radiation from cell phones is hazardous.