Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Clinical trials Medicine Pseudoscience

Andrew Wakefield 25 years later: Paving the way for FLCCC and COVID quacks

It was 25 years ago last week that Andrew Wakefield launched the modern iteration of the antivaccine movement.In doing so, he laid down a template that antivax quacks today still follow.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

RFK Jr. is hosting a veritable antivax Quackapalooza

RFK Jr. will hold a “healthcare policy roundtable” next week. One look at its list of “experts” shows that it will be a Quackapalooza of antivax misinformation. Unfortunately, RFK Jr.’s candidacy is normalizing old long debunked antivax tropes.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Lying with statistics in Florida, COVID-19 vaccine edition

Remember that Florida Department of Health study that suggested that COVID-19 vaccines were more dangerous to young men than COVID? Surprise! It turns out that important results were left out, all to lie with statistics and make the vaccines look worse.

Antivaccine nonsense Homeopathy Medicine Quackery

Larry Cook: A time warp cornucopia of antivax quackery

Larry Cook is a longtime antivaxxer turned anti-COVID-19 vaccine. This month, he updated his “vaccine injury treatment guide.” It’s pure quackery. Same as it ever was.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Clinical trials Medicine

Now Steve Kirsch wants to “collaborate” with provaccine scientists?

Steve Kirsch is known for his ludicrous challenges issued to vaccine advocates to “debate” vaccines. Now he wants to “collaborate” with provaccine scientists to test whether vaccines cause autism. His proposal is equally ludicrous.