Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

A “not antivax” COVID-19 contrarian: “RFK Jr. makes ‘reasonable’ points”

Podcaster Joe Rogan conveyed a “debate” challenge by antivax conspiracy theorist RFK Jr. to Dr. Peter Hotez. COVID-19 contrarian Dr. Vinay Prasad, wanting to be on Rogan’s podcast, sucked up to both, saying RFK Jr. made many “reasonable” points. What gives? And should scientists ever agree to debate cranks?

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

No matter how much he tries, RFK Jr. can’t hide his antivax nature

A week ago Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave the keynote speech at the second annual meeting of his antivax organization, Children’s Health Defense. Once again, he demonstrated that not only is he still antivax as hell, but that his proposals are even more bizarre than before. Truly, it was a homecoming for him.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Something I never thought I’d see: RFK Jr. is apparently running for President

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is apparently planning to challenge President Biden for the Democratic Presidential nomination. WTF is going on?

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Popular culture

COVID-19 as an “ethnically targeted” bioweapon: RFK Jr. embraces antisemitism and racism

A couple of weeks ago, RFK Jr. shared an antisemitic conspiracy theory that COVID-19 might have been an :”ethnically targeted” bioweapon that spared the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews, showing how conspiracy theories ultimately devolve into antisemitism. Then he denied it. Same as it ever was.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Geoff Pain vs. The Wellness Company and RFK Jr.: I do so love a good crank fight!

Crank fight! Dr. Geoff Pain attacks RFK Jr.’s antivax org Children’s Health Defense for being in the pocket of big pharma. Hilarity ensues.