Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Politics Popular culture Skepticism/critical thinking

The annals of “I’m not antivaccine,” part 30: Kevin Tuttle “drops the mic” at ACIP

An antivaxxer named Kevin Tuttle thinks he “dropped the mic” at the meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. He didn’t Instead, he demonstrated just how antivaccine he is.

Cancer Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The “Cancer Truther” movement

Denial of the benefits of chemotherapy is very prevalent in “natural health” movements. This denial is based on fear mongering, pseudoscience, and conspiracy theories and thus shares many similarities with the antivaccine movement. How can the “chemo truth” spread by “cancer truthers”?

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture

Marianne Williamson is NOT a skeptic

Faye Flam of Bloomberg Technology defended Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson against charges of being antivaccine and antiscience. It does not go well. Flam ignores the worst nonsense and misunderstands science.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Politics Pseudoscience Quackery Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Rep.-Elect Mark Green: A new antivaccine crank goes to Congress

Here we go again. Meet Rep-Elect Mark Green. He’s following in the footsteps of Reps. Dan Burton and Bill Posey in bringing the antivaccine crazy to Congress, only this time for the people of Tennessee.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Bioethics Medicine Politics

A belated Fourth of July antivaccine rant about “zero tolerance vaccine laws,” courtesy of Barbara Loe Fisher

It may be two days after the 4th of July, but it’s never too late to deconstruct a holiday-inspired antivaccine rant about “zero tolerance vaccine laws” by the grand dame of the antivaccine movement.